The basic MO for the Cash/Rick Rubin albums was to record tons of material and then cull it to make albums later. This was the process used for the first four discs of the box (with the fifth compiling tracks from the other Cash/Rubin albums). So I think Unearthed counts. I got it for Xmas and I'm still getting through it. The Cash/Joe Strummer duet on Bob Marley's "Redemption Song" is one of the greatest tracks of the year (and one of the saddest too...). Mike Bennett Record reviews and more at >From: Bill Douglas > >If Johnny Cash "Unearthed" qualifies, then I'd like to >put that in at #10 and move everything down a notch. >Otherwise, this is it. _________________________________________________________________ Enjoy a special introductory offer for dial-up Internet access — limited time only!