Just picked up a copy of Pete Ham's collection of demos, 7 Park Ave. I believe it was released in 1997. I have to say that I am just thrilled with it. Wow, what great songs and it is amazing that several, if not most of the tracks, never ended up on Badfinger albums. What an absolute gem of an album. I can't believe that I missed it when it came out. I actually love the mono recording. Ping pong heaven. David _________________________________________________________________ The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE* http://join.msn.com/?page=dept/bcomm&pgmarket=en-ca&RU=http%3a%2f%2fjoin.msn.com%2f%3fpage%3dmisc%2fspecialoffers%26pgmarket%3den-ca