I agree and disagree. To my ears, on first listen, it didn't sound like an Owsley album until track 3. Tracks one and two (and also 8) sound like the Wallflowers -- competent, inoffensive, but completely uninteresting. The balance of tracks, though, definitely grabbed me. I got to wondering how much it has to do with whomever he collaborates with on given song, since it looks like a real grab-bag of friends and associates chipping in. Christopher ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 10:31 AM Subject: The new Owsley CD > Normally, I'd start off an E-mail like this with "maybe it's just me," except that I already know that at least one of my friends agrees with me, so it clearly isn't JUST me. But the question I present to Audities is: is anyone else disappointed with the new Owsley album? > > When I first put in the disc and it began to play, it sounded so little like the Owsley I've come to know and love over the years 1999-2003 as I've spun his self-titled CD over and over again.such a dramatic change (at least to my ears) in both vocals and music.that, in my head, I quickly began working up an elaborate explanation for the transformation that involved a pressing error at the CD manufacturing plant. Unfortunately, when I heard the song title sung, I realized that, no, there had been no error; this was, indeed, the new Owsley CD.and it was so bland that it could've passed for everything else currently playing on the radio. > > Even worse, that first song, "Be With You," is the one being pushed to radio.so, apparently, the INTENT is to sound like everything else currently playing on the radio. > > I'm not saying that Owsley doesn't have the right to adjust his sound to score greater commercial success if that's what he wants and he feels that that's the way he can achieve it.but it doesn't mean that I can't be disappointed about it. > > Overall, it isn't that the album's bad. Indeed, I'm sure it'll grow on me after a few spins. But, after the initial spin, it definitely didn't live up to my hopes and, yes, my expectations. > > Bummer, dude. > > >