Paul McCartney... Last truly great song was 1987's "Once Upon A Long Ago"...and even the Rupert The Bear inspired flip-side of that song's single "We All Stand Together" rates as a truly well-written kiddie charm. "Flowers In The Dirt" was a great comeback record, but had some true farts amongst its roses. "Motor Of Love" was a test of the fan's patience -- and Ou Est Le Soleil? (!!!?!?!?!?!). So much so that McCartney figured he could slap any old piece of juvenillia onto 'Off The Ground' with absolute impunity in the form of "Biker Like An Icon". Your career CANNOT recover from an act as truly desparate as this. In fact, he drove the nail further with that piece of pee-pee-doo-doo disguised as "THE FIREMAN". What the f....? Why the hell didn't someone tell this emperor he not only had no clothes on but that he was a friggin' ugly, naked emperor? At least Elton John and Clapton are still TRYING....even if their outputs are now perceived drivel, they are at least entertaining the contemporary markets they still inhabit -- the filthy lucre of Top40 radio (or whatever it's called these days). McCartney can't get on the charts if he doesn't release POP records on a regular basis. Since 1989 he's put out three live albums, three 'best of' packages, two orchestral releases (and a re-issue of the Thrillington wank), two rock and roll oldies discs, a trance dance record and only three *original* pop albums. Sounds like a lot, but the miss ratio vs. hit ratio is nearly 99%. Excuse my vitriole, but I am a huge McCartney fan and I just want to bitch slap him for giving up... Sorry, I'll be okay now. Jaimie Vernon _________________________________________________________________ Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*