It's a rather bizarre psychedelic album. I think the AMG review hits it pretty good: "Their final LP (now available on CD) is one of the finer unsung psychedelic records of the late '60s. Heavy echoes of Syd Barrett-era Pink Floyd, Hendrix, and psychedelic-era Pretty Things, with adroit shifts from crunching rock and soft, almost folky passages to spacy phase shift bits and just plain dementia." I highly recommend it. Probably one of the better psych albums of the 60's. Mark >From: "Brad Harvey" >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: The (Dutch) Outsiders >Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2003 21:26:32 -0600 > >Can anyone recommend the album CQ by the Dutch band The Outsiders? >Comments, >suggestions, criticisms? > >Thanks, >Brad Harvey > > _________________________________________________________________ Winterize your home with tips from MSN House & Home.