At Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2003 13:25:26 Robert wrote: >The most controversial such artist, of course, is McCartney. I can >understand >that for someone who has been following his career in real time, the older >stuff >starts to seem legendary. But for someone who came in late, the years that >separate "Ram" and "Flaming Pie" don't much matter. I maintain that if >"Calico >Skies" were revealed to be an outtake from the White Album, people would >hail it >as a lost masterpiece. But it isn't a "White Album" outtake, and that *is* the point. McCartney didn't write "Calico Skies" in 1968...and it has none of his classic trademarks. It's great that the track can be judged on its own without any pre-conceived baggage by you....for many others of us who have known McCartney's output to be far more consistant, this song is a pin-prick of hope in a waning career of disappointment. >Another example for me is Squeeze. The first Squeeze album I ever bought >was >"Some Fantastic Place," and I was absolutely blown away by it. Really a >terrific >album, and the title track is one of my favorite songs of all time. I have >bought a few other Squeeze albums and haven't found any others that I like >as >much. It baffles me why I almost never hear anyone mention that album at >all. I guess the point of coming into an act's career mid-stream is that what attracts you to the current material isn't what attracts fans of the older material and vice versa. Hopefully, it is the dedication of new listeners that can give some of these acts continued success until such time as the muse is at full-speed again (if ever). Jaimie Vernon _________________________________________________________________ Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online