> >I think it really depends on where you come into the picture > >with an artist's catalog. I've been thinkiing for a while of starting a thread along these lines. I often shrug when I read people making comments about how a certain artist just isn't living up to his or her earlier work when I just don't hear the supposed decline. The most controversial such artist, of course, is McCartney. I can understand that for someone who has been following his career in real time, the older stuff starts to seem legendary. But for someone who came in late, the years that separate "Ram" and "Flaming Pie" don't much matter. I maintain that if "Calico Skies" were revealed to be an outtake from the White Album, people would hail it as a lost masterpiece. Another example for me is Squeeze. The first Squeeze album I ever bought was "Some Fantastic Place," and I was absolutely blown away by it. Really a terrific album, and the title track is one of my favorite songs of all time. I have bought a few other Squeeze albums and haven't found any others that I like as much. It baffles me why I almost never hear anyone mention that album at all. Robert R. Berry