I voted for Spoon's "Kill The Moonlight" last year. Loved it. On a separate subject which has cropped up a few times, particularly in relation to Owsley's new one and FoW, what the hell is wrong with writing a hit? Does the audities list just exist so we can keep our fave artistes a secret? Do we only wish them well so long as they keep writing great records for us, which no one else will dig? So what if once in a body of work that may stretch over 20, 30, or a 100 songs, one is a crack at the big time - the once in a lifetime shot for paying the bills for the rest of your life? For the record, I don't think the new Owsley album is that great, but there is enough good stuff on it, and his previous album, to warrant a hit single. It's not so long ago that we read about Owsley's disillusion with the music industry, and we thought we would never hear from him again. These guys can't win. They're either slated for writing a hit, or for not writing one (remember Matthew Sweet - Write Your Own Song?). A cynical attempt to storm the charts is one thing, but I strongly believe an attempt to write a strong song with hit potential does not necessarily amount to this. Just how would Owsley manage this on a practically self-released album, with the budget that goes with it? Mike.