Spoon and Pavement are both bands who have gotten votes in past years (as has Stephen Malkmus). I think the heart of the Audities list is comprised of pure pop fans, but there are plenty of folks who like the college radio/indie pop arena -- so, in most polls, records from such bands garner a fair amount of support, just not enough to make the final Top 20. As long as I have the dance floor -- I thought GIRLS DON'T TELL was brilliant -- finally Britt Daniel carried his ideas to a conclusion, with added emotional impact. I thought KILL THE MOONLIGHT was a big step backward, with most songs half-finished and unsatisfying. Of course, it appears that I'm in the minority in that view. Mike Bennett Record reviews and more at http://fufkin.com _________________________________________________________________ Enjoy the holiday season with great tips from MSN. http://special.msn.com/network/happyholidays.armx