Anyone who lives in my town has heard Chris' drunken ramblings about his misgivings regarding the work of his band and especially his cowriter, while hanging out at the local bar. It is kind of lame to feel that way, and then try to make yourself feel better by denigrating what you do and the people who like it. It is a novelty song, but what's so wrong with that? My favorite song when I was 9 was "Hello Mudder, Hello Fadder" An interesting aside, I was downstairs in the stockroom of the music store I work at, and one of the drum teachers was teaching a 13 year old kid his favorite new song from the radio. The tune? You guessed it! Stacy's Mom. I hope the cash and the Grammys help all the pain go down better :) Frank. ---------- Original Message ---------------------------------- From: Andrew Chalfen Reply-To: Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003 11:41:22 -0500 > >>Chris Collingwood thinks he made a deal with the devil..."It's a novelty >>song," says Collingwood. > >It's almost a relief to know that Collingwood is having second thoughts >about this tune. I'm not a FOW fan, though I can appreciate why people dig >the band's attention to songcraft and suburban life themes. That said, >when I first heard Stacy's Mom, I thought, wow, that's quite the cynical >bid for getting a hit, especially with that sugary Rick Springfield >"Jesse's Girl" chorus coupled with some Weezeresque guitar growl slapped on >for the kids. It's like it was written by the HitMaker 3000 Songbot. I >can't image Chris' humiliation and bleak irony involved in having to play >that thing night after night, knowing that most of the audience is there >for a novelty song and not for the real stuff that's close to his >heart. It's funny how Schlessinger is all into the trappings of fame and >image making while Collingwood is just cringing at the whole thing. Must >make for an interesting band dynamic. > >Andrew > > > > >