I haven't heard anyone cover that track before. I love the cynical humor of it. I've heard other people say how much they dislike that track who are also huge CH fans, but it surprises me. Neil Finn has always been honest and sometimes really biting in his lyrics -- that song didn't seem to me to be so much of a departure, just a bit different subject matter. And I think it's a fairly accurate assessment of how much of Europe feels about the U.S.A., probably now more than ever. Good cover choice, I'd say. You'll have to get permission from him (via his publisher, of course) to change the lyrics on your version if you're planning on releasing it. W. >>>>i am working with a female artist who wishes to cover the crowded house gem "chocolate cake" possibly with some updated lyrics for our times... how do you all feel about this scathing track...? has anyone covered this before...? do you think it is worth covering...? thanks for your input on this. cheers, jansen ------------------------------ >>>>It (nearly) ruined Woodface for me. (And CH is my favorite band of all time.) --- Barry Schlom