So! Earlier this week I picked up the new MOJO and for the free cd is well, bollocks, as the Brit's would say. It's 18 tracks from the years best albums. Did you know The Who and The Animals put out some of the best music this year? Who knew... And don't get me started on Diana Ross and Dexy's Midnight Runner's (!) being here. I'm griping so loudly as I've come to expect nothing short of brilliance from MOJO's discs and this collection is lamely strange and certainly not the best of the year. The one new band on the cd is THE THRILLS (from Ireland I think) and as they're coming to Vancouver in late January I was interested in hearing them. Fun stuff. Very mellow 60s - 70's US pop stuff. I'll likely check out the show as Patrick Park is opening and I missed him open for My Morning Jacket last time around -- he's supposed to have a great folk-country sound and very scary right hand as his nails are supposedly quite grown out claw-like as he's a finger picker. A punky look, wot. regards, Judith