Yep, my copy is signed..I think Bruce had said the pre-order copies were going to be signed. Just listening for the first time, so I can't comment. But I will say this - Owsley played here in Eugene, and a more generous (literally in this case) performer I can't recall. He handed out copies of his CD to a few of us at the show, handed out signed POP Posters and the like. Admittedly the show was poorly attended, but his enthusiasm never flagged and his road crew were wonderful. I got the feeling Will was just a nice guy to be around. He seemed genuinely giddy when I brought of up my 'indie' copy of the first CD, holding it up for the others in the band to see. And he almost seemed embarassed when I told him what I'd seen the Semantics CD fetching on eBay at the time. Another Eugene live show: Pernice Brothers played here on Monday night and it's this kind of event that makes me grateful for living in a small college town (this relative to Los Angeles where I was born and lived till the ripe age of 26). I was sitting at the front of a room with about 80 folks in it, watching one of my 2-3 favorite bands of the moment. Joe seemed grateful to be playing a smaller room (he'd been doing 1000-1500 seat places w/ Steve Malkmus) and the band was brimming with nearly punkish energy. Indeed, I hadn't seen them earlier on this tour (when they only played Portland), but compared to the previous tour for "The World Won't End" they seemed to have a far more aggressive attack - in keeping with the stuttering rhythms of "One Foot in the Grave" and "Sometimes I Remember" on the new CD. Thus, I thought songs like "7:30" lost a bit in the vocal harmonies near the end - they were just buried a bit in the more heavily guitar-laden arrangement. That said I love Peyton Pinkerton's contributions on guitar - he seems to be the one channeling all those influences folks mention for the latest CD - Cure, Smiths, New Order sounds abound. I'm not sure I can identify a distinctive Pinkterton sound, but he apes a lot of influences effectively and Joe & he know just how to put those sounds to use. And speaking of shows out this way, Jesse Ruggles (of Phamous Phaces) tells me that he has booked a gig in Salem along with Walter Clevenger and the Dairy Kings for, I think the 3rd week in January. I'm telling you folks: Oregon, get to know it. -craig -----Original Message----- From: AssociationWorks [] Sent: Friday, December 12, 2003 9:36 AM To: Subject: Re: new Owsley I'll second David's comment on the more "mature" sound of the new Owsley record. Nothing immediately jumped out at first listen and overall, the record has some AAA-rootsy-rock-Wallflowers kind of vibe...but as expected, the production and arrangements are stellar and Will's voice is as smooth as ever. Seems he's shed a bit of his pop smarts for a more conventional sound. Looking forward to getting into it more, though. I also seemed to have gotten an autographed copy. Anyone else get this? Jeff