At 10:26 AM 12/12/2003 -0600, Miles Goosens wrote: >Hey, speaking of Dressy Bessy, I heard the entirety of their latest >album on the PA during Wednesday night's fun 'n' sweet Rich Creamy Paint >show (y'all *do* know that Rich Creamy Paint* has a new album, right?), >and I was *very* impressed with it. Mind you, it's just one listen over >a PA in a noisy club, but it sounded to me like the record I thought Liz >Phair** might be making these days. I'd never heard Dressy Bessy before >outside of the Powerpuff Girls soundtracks, so their new one really took >me (pleasantly) by surprise. The new Dressy Bessy is pretty terrific, but it's a bit of a departure from their earlier records: the press kit made a big point of trumpeting "Look! Recorded in a real studio! Uses more than 4 tracks at a time!" I also get the vibe that perhaps a bit of AutoTune was applied as well: Tammy Ealom's vocals don't go nearly as wayward as they used to. None of this is a bad thing, and I do like their earlier albums a lot -- all available on eMusic, incidentally -- but anyone wanting to catch up on their earlier work might want to recalibrate their expectations. S NP: THE HOMELAND -- Bobby Conn