The December 2003 page is up. This month we have the following record reviews: Mike Bennett presents full length reviews of the newest releases from The Gay, The Dave Rave Group, The Pills, Tiara and The Boris Flats. Mike also has capsule reviews of the reissue of the first two albums from Katrina and the Waves, Al Green, Dipsomaniacs, Mr. Encrypto, a split EP from Katie the Pest and Banner Day, Denali, The Love Thugs, The Ray Mason Band and the latest pop compilation from Popboomerang Records and Christmas collection on Vandelay Records. Gary Glauber reviews the latest from Paula Kelly, Steve Ward, Isolation Years, Trolleyvox and Tiny Volcano. Shona Winfrey has a review of the new CD from sex & reverb, while Kurt Sampsel reviews a reissue from the classic soft pop band Free Design. Kurt Hernon wants to talk to you about some albums – five in particular that he wants you to hear as soon as humanly possible. He’s awfully convincing. Michael Lynch updates his survey of classic Christmas music from the past. Is Elmo & Patsy on the list? Bob and Doug McKenzie? Jan and Dean? Slade? You’ll have to read it to find out. Listening to the debut disc from The Thrills got Mike Bennett thinking about how the impact rock music has on a listener (and how it is made) shifts over time. So he went ahead and wrote a column about it. Gary Pig Gold gets down to brass tacks for his Q-and-A with Greg Provost of The Chesterfield Kings, one of the original ‘80s garage rock revival bands who are still going strong today, having recently released a new album. John Borack covers scads of 2003 releases, giving his frank opinions on what he dug and what he...didn’t dig. Eric Sorensen’s Further Observations From A Jangly Music Fan begins with a sneak preview review of Paparazzi, a collaboration between Bill Lloyd and Jamie (The Spongetones) Hoover. He also touches on The Wishinaks, The Volebeats, The Tractor Kings, Absolute Grey (a reissue/live set), some other discs that crossed his desk and an overview on the ‘90s progeny of the legendary Byrds. For a guy who has too little time, Kevin Matthews manages to listen to a lot of music (though he apparently doesn’t think so). He wisely spent his time with new releases from Guided By Voices, Feel, Frisbie, Superchunk, The Dave Rave Group, The Buttless Chaps, Tijuana Strip Club, Myracle Brah, The Naomi Star, Sting, The Kings, George Usher Group and lots of others – and wrote about all of them. Imagine if he could listen to music for 16 hours a day... Andrew Tarsy contributes an excellent piece on Steve Winwood. Though he has plenty of laurels to rest on, Mr. Winwood released a new disc this year. Looking both at Winwood’s past and present, Tarsy speculates about his future, as he still has some good music left in him. As we head into 2004, David Fufkin looks at how we will be buying music. Among other things, he notes how the new digital technology, though futuristic, makes revisiting the past much easier. We hope you all come and visit us, and look out for the January 2004 issue, where Fufkin writers will weigh in on their favorite releases of the past year. Please have a happy and enjoyable holiday season. Record reviews and more at _________________________________________________________________ Don’t worry if your Inbox will max out while you are enjoying the holidays. Get MSN Extra Storage!