Hey Everyone, Here are some CDs I've received recently, which I'm pretty excited about: Tiny Volcano-S/T: The latest project of Scott McPherson, who used to be one of the main men of a great Seattle pop band of the '90s, Liar's Club. Tiny Volcano is less quirky than Liar's Club, but perhaps even more melodic, and turns the Jellyfish knob up to 11. Really cool stuff! www.tinyvolcano.com The Syrups-S/T: I really love this L.A. band! Their debut CD weds Everly-styled harmonies to clean, tight, professional pop songs that are never slick. Lead singer Pat Walton is an extremely dynamic performer, which reflects well on record but even better during their live sets. www.thesyrups.com The Badge-Calling Generation Mojo: A contemporary New York band on a label, Detour Records, which is known more for their reissues of '70s and '80s mod bands. The Badge don't seem to have a mod bone in their body (ok, maybe one bone or two); rather, their sound echoes classic '70s album pop. Sort of Badfinger-ish without aping Badfinger stylings. Great stuff! www.thebadge.com Peachfuzz-About A Bird: Excellent moody melodic garage sounds are the order of the day from this L.A. band, but they throw in a few classic power pop tunes as well. I'm really impressed with the direction they've chosen to take, and am very glad that Dionysus Records has chosen to take the band under their wing! www.dionysusrecords.com The Redwalls-Universal Blues: Talk about Let It Be Naked!! This Chicago band, who used to be known as The Pages, has delivered an album that takes a page out of that "Don't Let Me Down"-styled Beatles playbook with uncanny authenticity, and this is made all the more remarkable given that all of these guys are under the age of 20! Though this is a local label release, I'm pretty certain that the band has recently been signed by a major. www.undertowmusic.com -- Pop Rules!!!!! Take Care, David