Hey there, since I listen to WOXY.com out of OHIO (continued thanks to Ira Rosen for turning me on to WOXY) all day at work, I sometimes get to here some really cool new stuff. They're currently running a local music contest sorta thing and I heard the single 'Just My Luck' from The Spectacular Fantastic today and well, it rocked my world. therefore I tell you about it. here's the website: http://www.spectacularfantastic.net/ you can listen to the MP3 of 'Just My Luck' here: Ionik Records (a philly based label) http://www.ionikrecords.com/tsf.htm if you're really feeling generous, you can help them out by requesting the song at WOXY for the contest! ok, just thought I'd share! lauree __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now http://companion.yahoo.com/