At 09:28 AM 12/4/2003 -0800, Anna Borg wrote: >Has anyone seen that "Tracks" magazine mentioned? >might be right up my alley. I was really excited to hear about Tracks -- from the initial press, it sounded brilliant -- but I was disappointed by the first issue. For all their claims to be for music fans over thirty, it feels like it's more for aging baby boomers who feel that rock and roll was never the same after FRAMPTON COMES ALIVE. I mean, *Sting* as your first cover star??? Don Henley and Bonnie Raitt on tap for future covers? There are at least two or three generations of pop music fans over 30 now, but it feels like Tracks is targeting one and excluding the others. I don't like the layout at all either. Having the reviews in the front of the book just feels wrong to me, and the graphic design looks like Newsweek. Maybe they'll work out the kinks, but for now I'm sticking with Mojo. S