>A few years back, Home Depot went through a management change and customer >service is no longer a priority, only the almighty dollar. Home Depot used >to be a much better place to shop, they had knowledgeable employees and >people that actally were helpful. This reminds me of a comment I saw the othe night re Wal-mart on the tube... "Remember when Wal-Mart bragged of carrying products made in the USA? Now you're lucky if any of their WORKERS are from the USA.." When I go to Wal-Mart, I don't ask for help from their sales people...most of whom I can't understand. And when people talk of jobs going to other countries...they miss the point IMO that *many jobs in the US* are now being carried out by foreign workers here at home...many of whom are undocumented. IMO, we're giving away the farm here at home AND abroad....and no one seems to care about what is happening...much less speak towards it for fear of being labelled as a racist. Here...the difference between HD and Wal-Mart's employees is staggering. Their customer service may not be what it once was...but at least you can understand what they're saying. From my experiences at HD, I've yet to see their workers speak to the next checker in Spanish as if I'm not there... Pat _________________________________________________________________ Tired of slow downloads and busy signals? Get a high-speed Internet connection! Comparison-shop your local high-speed providers here. https://broadband.msn.com