Dear Audities: I thought I'd interrupt this incredibly erudite and surprisingly fascinating discussion of the big box stores and the erosion of the American retail landscape with a timely, relevant plug for the independently owned and operated Q Division Records online store -- which now also accepts PayPal payments online. They've got some special sales going on right now -- I'm doing some holiday gift shopping there and just picked up both Francine cds for $20, with a bonus Poundcake cd thrown in for *free* (a fabulous album, by the way, if you don't already own it.) Also available: the new Loveless cd, "Gift to the World," Brett Rosenberg's latest "Problematic" for a slim $8 OR 3 Brett releases for $20, and a "box set" of all 5 releases from the Gravel Pit for $40. I'm not sure how long these deals will be available, so get 'em while they're hot: The Q Store: The specials: Happy Shopping! Andrea