So in the face of all this concern about the economy and free trade, I got the band over to record the last of the songs I had for the new Donovan's Brain album. I've been a little concerned that this one hadn't got a look in yet. The funny thing is, it was the first one I wrote specifically for the album. When I was in Australia last year, I came up with a couple of ideas while walking around Sydney looking for old Australian records. This one was inspired by someone I met, and saw play... much to my surprise Penny Ikinger ended up on a label I didn't even know I'd be running 18 months ago. When I first ran this tune past the band, our drummer, in his infinite wisdom played what was essentially a nonstop fill through the whole song. The intention was good, but when it came to record it, even he couldn't nail the changes, so on the last take he actually hit a few identifiable back beats that we all could hit. The results were beyond my modest request: "it's sort of like a Cream song, can we get some poly rhythms going". Now if I can only sing it as good as required.... that's why we do this, isn't it? It's got to be a little better every time. mmmm this Spanish vino tinto hit's the spot about now... RS -- Ronald Sanchez Director Of A&R Career Records The Donovan's Brain Web Site