Hello Auds, I had a great time being in Boston again and seeing some old friends as well as meeting some new ones at IPO like... JAY.....enjoyed meeting you, discussing music and just hanging out at T.T. The Bear's during IPO. Hope you like the DVDs. Don't know how to reach you, but if you could contact me offlist, I have some photos to send to you. Hope you see this. JIM HORAN.....always good to see you. That's twice in 2 years. Keep that Rick of yours polished. ANDREA......you did a great job helping David organize the Boston portion of IPO. Very nice to have met you in person. BASHER......Congrats on another well-done Festival! Now, will you be making a down payment soon on that new Mercedes or a house in Beverly Hills? (Awww, you know I'm only kidding...I meant Sherman Oaks.) KYLE VINCENT.....he didn't know I left L.A. last year, and I didn't know he left for Massachusetts. Good performing on the same night with him. One thing hasn't changed about Boston though...the city still has the worst drivers in the world (Tied with Paris, France). I only wish I could've pulled off (as originally planned) the RP & RPM band reunion for IPO, or could have had the same band of great players I used in L.A. this past July, instead of performing solo (Less rehearsals...and less expensive!). Regardless, it's always nice to get back onstage when one can. Happy Holidays to all the Audities members. Ray Paul www.permanentpress.net/raypaul.htm e: raypaul@permanentpress.net Permanent Press/Ray Paul Media P.O. Box 26626 Rochester, NY 14626