The Bystanders made some great records. Micky and Clive are good friends of mine. That is via the Man Band connection. When Deke replaced the lead singer, the Bystanders became Man. I've seen some great scrap books of theirs. They are huge Beach Boys fans, and at one point dumped the suits and ties for striped shirts. Pattern People and Royal Blue Summer Sunshine Day are killer trax. There was one song on Call Down The Moon, the Man album I worked on, that sort of recalls the Bystanders. It's called Man With X-Ray Eyes. Some nice harmonies and twelve string on that one. While the Man records are more guitar oriented, there are always amazing harmonies on the records. At times they were doing five part stuff live! I've witnessed some moments of "around the kitchen table" singing that would make you cry. Deke's books Rhinos, Winos And Lunatics, and Maybe I Should Have Stayed In Bed document these bands pretty well. They are also some of the best and funniest rock writing ever. RS wrote: > Recently, on a whim which came about from Amazon's tendency toward showing what other people who've bought an item have also bought, I bought the Bystanders' "Pattern People: The Pye Anthology." It's great stuff,........... > > Thanks! > > WILL -- Ronald Sanchez Director Of A&R Career Records The Donovan's Brain Web Site