You should be able to work one up in your draw program...I used Claris/Apple Works just fine. If you work at setting up templates, you can easily print on both sides of the booklet. HP Brochure And Flyer paper (glossy) makes very nice looking covers. I do all my work in Photoshop now, and it's a breeze. PS Elements doesn't have "guides" which are pretty critical for doing designs. I made templates in different resolutions. I can make simple text only in lower rez, or finished ones at 300dpi. I assume that Microsoft has something equal to Claris, so you should be able to bash stuff out with out much fuss. There are those precut tray cards and booklets you can buy. Those probably come with software templates which you could use with regular paper. The paper cutters at Kinkos are always handy, but I do ok with a ruler and Exacto knife. RS Gabriel Fuentes wrote: > Hi.. a little off topic..does anyone have a program or a template (e.g., Excel) that makes Cd insert labels...Not so concerned with graphics..just track listing.. > > I would appreciate any information..thanks > > Gabriel > > NP: Love - Forever Changes DVD..freakin' great! lemonade is to Arthur Lee what Wondermints are to Brian Wilson.. -- Ronald Sanchez Director Of A&R Career Records The Donovan's Brain Web Site