No, no, NO! Any listmaker worth her salt knows that GREATEST HITS ALBUMS DO NOT COUNT!!! In the context of a top 500 albums list, don't 99% of all music junkies really believe, as I do, that the designation "album" means a set of songs, in primary release, as the artist intended it? Using this definition, while some legendary performers will be left off the list because they were singles artists who did not emphasize full collections of songs, the integrity of the "album" designation is left intact. Sam Cooke, Hank Williams, Buddy Holly, etc - many, many great singles, but maybe no legit picks for top 500 ALBUMS (although I'd probably include Cooke's 'Nightbeat.' Elton John's Greatest Hits? The Best of the Byrds? Bob Marley's Legend? Not true "albums" in my view. Collections. Something different. I don't know - this just really bugged me. Do others feel the same? Just curious. --Shawn __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now