Just wanted to note how much I enjoyed Adam Marsland's "Tribute To 70s Soul" show a couple of nights ago. For one reason or another, I don't get out to clubs much these days, but boy am I glad I went. Great early-70s pop-soul (Sly Stone, Temps, Bill Withers, Isaac Hayes, etc.) by an eight-piece band of multi-talented LA popsters, all rehearsed and everything! Evie Sands was particularly great. And they did one of my favorite semi-obscure tunes of the genre, The Floater's "Float On," complete with the dial-a-date spoken parts. I also dug Severo's Don Cornelius wig and Adam's wide-lapeled, open collared outfit that reminded me not so much of Bobby Womack as it did SCTV's Rockin' Mel Slurrup. Folks, if they do this again and you have any interest in this style of music, definitely go check it out. A fun and loving tribute to what this middle-aged white guy considers the last great period of African-American pop. Drew np: FRESH PACK O' TUNES - Joe Field's SOTT 17 contribution