and i weigh in with Alkaline Trio (there's bits about drinking and razors and so forth, but it's so jumpy it's hard to censor) and also with the fact that I LOVED LOVED LOVED the clash around age 13, and also the ramones, because my (10 yrs older) sister did and i pretty much wanted to be her. and cheap trick. (i mean she had cheap trick, not that i wanted to be cheap trick.) I actually didn't much like her sex pistols stuff then, though i accepted it as educational. re: the muffs: I have some gal pals that call themselves the power muff girls and periodically have muff parties and the like - i think of it as sort of taking back the term, just like the muffs and the slits and hole etc have done. You know, a grrl power thing. There's nothing wrong with relating that to a 12 year old - she might not grok the politics altogether, but she can still wave her fist in the air. --kelly ===== arma non servant modum __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now