Wanted to chime in about IPO Boston before too much more time goes by. Attended 4 out of 5 nights and can say, as this was my first IPO experience, that I had about as much fun as you probably can have on planet Earth. All the acts were great, but ones that particularly stood out for me were: Kyle Vincent- amazing voice and songs, his time on stage flew by way too fast Army of Jasons - the most poppy and IMO best of 3 cool bands featuring the versatile Brett Rosenberg Lincoln Conspiracy - fun piano based pop (insert the obligatory "Ben Folds-influenced" reference here) band with catchy tunes Halogens - I agree with all who've already posted about this band. Very professional & great Brit pop stylings Paul Melancon - great songwriter and superb vocals -good band too Day Jobs - excellent melodic pop / punk - for some reason, tunes reminded me , at times, of FOW Irresponsibles - crunchy melodic stuff with more than a dash of quirk. - fun to hear some of the tunes from one of my favorite cds of 2001 ("Quality of Life") live Cliff Hillis - absolutely superb set by a great talent... don't keep us waiting too long for that new cd, Cliff! Thanks for signing my Tisra Til cd (note: serious Cliff fans should track down this cd released in 1994!) IKE - Amazing, just plain amazing!!! But I knew they would be. IKE gets my vote for best set of the series. Fooled by April - My pick for the best emerging Boston band . Very professional and great tunes. I dare anyone to listen to their song 'Come In, Chicago' and not sing it for hours afterward. A few other bands that I know were great but I regret missing: Spaceshots, PIlls, Francine. I heard that the Flaschubes tore the place apart on Saturday night. I am certain that is true because Paul Armstrong was masterful on the bass the following night with Fireking. The best part of IPO was meeting all of the incredibly nice people - Jim Horan (the man responsible for the design of many of my favorite Not Lame label cds), Brian (merch man extraordinaire) & Theresa Keane , Ray Paul (the legend, who did a cool solo set I almost forgot to mention), Matty Karas, Kyle Vincent, Cliff Hillis, John Faye. Last, but not least, huge thank yous to David Bash and Andrea Kremer. A major amount of work went into this series and it came off beautifully. Thanks to both of you for your tireless efforts to wave the pop banner high. Hope all US Audities members are having a very Happy Thanksgiving. Getting to experience IPO is one of the things that I am very, very thankful for this year. IPO Rules!!!! (with apologies to David for borrowing / modifying your familiar tagline) Jay Dravenstadt