On Wed, 26 Nov 2003 13:00:17 -0500 audities-owner@smoe.org writes: > Sorry to hear that Carl Palmer was an asshole to you. > I still love ELP's music, tho...Keith Emerson's sense > of melody -- to this day -- destroys me. Missed the original post or I would have responded then. When I met them while touring as "3", Keith Emerson was very nice, but Carl Palmer held the title of "the nicest rock star I ever met" for years (until I got a chance to chat with Jason Falkner). Carl went out of his way to be nice to the fans and acknowledged meeting several of them on prior tours. The funniest thing was when somebody put a copy of Trilogy in front of him for an autograph. It already had a Greg Lake signature on it, which apparently didn't look authentic. He asked the owner "Who signed this?" They guy said "Greg Lake!" Carl said "Did you see him sign it, because that's not how he signs his name." Well, my friend and I had this inside prog joke, so I said under my breath to my friend, and my friend repeated out loud to Carl "Maybe it was John Wetton." And Carl's eyes lit up and he said "Yeah, maybe it was John Wetton!" We were glad he got our little joke. (You proggers will get it -- the rest of you don't know what I'm going on about.) Oh, and while I love Keith's keyboard parts, I think his compositions are mostly . . . well . . . lame. Greg Lake was the true songwriter in that group. g ________________________________________________________________ The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand! Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER! Only $14.95/ month - visit www.juno.com to sign up today!