Back in the late 80's Kevin Gilbert had a great prog band in San Jose called Giraffe. My band at the time, Mystery Date, used to share a warehouse with them and we did several gigs together. They put out two great CDs that are really hard to find now. In fact, someone 'borrowed' my discs and I've had a bitch of a time replacing them. Anyway, now that that memory has been prompted, I'd add Giraffe's "Power Of Suggestion" CD to my list of prog favorites. And if anyone knows where to get a hold of those Giraffe discs (KG fanclub releases perhaps?), please let me know! Cheers, Lee >From: Brian Curtis >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: What A Concept >Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2003 12:39:00 -0600 > >One title comes to my mind that wraps the conceits of PROG, POP, & ROCK >OPERA all in a nice little package with a big black bow attached: > >THE SHAMING OF THE TRUE by Kevin Gilbert. Add to the mix that the story >revolves around how screwed up the music biz is, and there's the prize. > >Brioohs >-- >THE OOHS HOME PAGE at >THE OOHS on MP3.COM until December 2, 2003 (thanks a lot, Vivendi & C-NET) >Album #3 now in production!! >Both CDs available at NOT LAME, CD BABY, JAM, TR BAZAAR or KOOL KAT MUSIK! > _________________________________________________________________ From the hottest toys to tips on keeping fit this winter, you’ll find a range of helpful holiday info here.