I always site "Happiness Is A Warm Gun" as an example of Beatles inventing prog. Check out those wacky time changes. Had they used helium for recording the vocals, they would have invented Yes! >From: "bob" >Reply-To: audities@smoe.org >To: , >Subject: Re: Prog Top 15 >Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2003 06:38:07 -0500 > >Tomorrow Never Knows? >Good Heavens, Man!...even the Beatles were capable of self indulgent >claptrap. After they invented Prog...more claptrap followed... > >Mr. Wilson > >----- Original Message ----- >From: "ronald and karen sanchez" > > > > But Bob, after Tomorrow Never Knows, what else is there? > > > > > > > > bob wrote: > > > > > My favourite Prog albums are listed below... > > > > > > Mr. Wilson > _________________________________________________________________ From the hottest toys to tips on keeping fit this winter, you’ll find a range of helpful holiday info here. http://special.msn.com/network/happyholidays.armx