Ronald Sanchez wrote: > funny someone trying to explain > the genre to me Damn -- I had a feeling my post would come off that way. Ronald, I've been reading your posts ever since you signed on here, and your stories have been incredible -- I stand in awe of your pedigree -- seriously. I was fully aware that you, of all people on this list, knew what prog is -- sorry if my post came across as a lesson. When I wrote the word "you" in my post, it was meant as a general "you" -- meaning the group -- and not you, individually. I only used your original post as a starting point to go off on my own little thing. Anyway, as I was listening to Neal's "Testimony" last night, I heard a track that sounded a LOT like Tull -- just like you and your wife acknowledged! Sorry to hear that Carl Palmer was an asshole to you. I still love ELP's music, tho...Keith Emerson's sense of melody -- to this day -- destroys me. Anyway, happy thanksgiving to all! Pop on, poppers... kErrY kOMpOsT __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now