OK, fellow and fellowette Beatles whackos: I just loved the Spector LIB and absolutely adore the new Naked mix as well. And I have various sundry boots with a periodic LIT period "alternate mix," here and there. But could someone enlighten me as to a) what specifically is the Gly Johns version ? b) are there any, ummmmm, current sources of such available commercially ? I've not been able to rank order them for class, sound performance, nuance or anything.... I just simply like them both for what they are and Bobby S's little note below Inspires me to think there is a custom Let It Be mix CD in my computer's future. But I suspect not without hearing the Gly Johns version first.... Thanks, Bob in Olympia, WA (who is off to Canada for the long weekend to see if Best Buys have now replaced the Sam's and stock all the Bullseye releases for $6.99) ((Cough)) (((who is also waiting for the Rolling Stone Top 100 list of alternate Let It Be productions))) NP: A 10 CD changer full of SOTT 17 and holy cow is there a boatload of great unknown new-to-my-ears stuff. SOTT, the replacement for that great lost media formerly known as top 40 radio.... Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 18:31:35 -0500 From: "Robert Sutliff" To: Subject: Re: Let It Be Mostly the Gly Johns version with the addition of Spector's version of I Me Mine, Dig A Pony and Two Of Us. And I'd include the original 1968 World Wildlife version of Across The Universe. It features McCartney's exquisite harmony vocals which aren't present on any other versions. Bobby