----- Original Message ----- From: "ronald and karen sanchez" > That KC box is amazing. Some of the KCCC releases are also surprising.... Isn't it though? Some scary stuff on there. Some real "group mind" improv going on. Heck, I might just have to go play some of it now. > When Yes came over to play Relayer, P Moraz was in the band. Another > embarrassing guy. I don't think he really knew any of the other songs. I swear > that when it came time to solo on Round About, he just smiled, danced and move > his fingers about six inches above the keys! Very funny. Actually I think I've read this exact point-- that he didn't know the other material. He was in and out of that band relatively quickly. And let's face it, to be the most embarrassing guy in Yes-- that's saying something. I've seen them a couple times recently-- once in '02 with the Anderson/Squire/Howe/Wakeman/White line-up-- and it is amazing how good they still sound live. But Steve Howe looks like if he falls over, he'd break a hip. And someone should tell Rick Wakeman that, sadly, capes are NOT making a comeback.