I wish it weren't so, but Let It Be.Naked falls flat for me on almost every count. On the plus side, the sound is phenomenal, really wonderfully detailed-I hear acoustic guitar parts, for example, that I don't remember hearing before. On the other side. For one thing, I think they've stripped (pun intended) whatever charm there was from the original release by leaving off the chatter. For another, I'm not sure that missing Dig It will jump start rioting in the streets, but I'm still curious as to why they dropped it. Also, the fades sound forced to me; a few seconds makes a difference, really. And then there's the packaging.really, truly horrible, so Roy Kahara-esque in both conception and practice as to invoke a serious spate of head scratching and "What is this?"-isms. That back cover gives the word spare a bad rep. And what of the Fly on the Wall disc? Nice to have, I grant you, but why couldn't it have been longer? Couldn't they have fit a few more flies on there? :o) Personally, I would rather have seen the release of Let It Be on DVD. I hear they're looking to release an expanded DVD set sometime in 2004 or 2005. Missed a great marketing opportunity for the short term, however. Alan Wpbitdwnwia (would be playing if the disc was near where I am): The Thrills (great, great, great!!!)