Had a great time in NYC last week thanks to IPO! Rode the subway (a lot) just like the locals. Saw more bands & performers than I can count (only missed two bands over the six day festival - I guess I need to get a life!) & enjoyed almost everyone. Played tour guide (even though I've only been to NYC a few times myself) to Joanne who was visiting NYC for her first time. Ate at several different restaurants and left impressed each time (Thai, Mexican, Italian, deli, etc). Bought way too many LPs & CDs. Twelve of the LPs I purchased were 2003 releases! including Super Furry Animals, Chesterfield Kings, Shins, Thrills, Atmosphere, My Morning Jacket, Neptunes, Strokes, etc. And according to Jennie I was one of the main supporters of the IPO merch booth! Coolest development this year (this is my third IPONY) was many of the acts were selling their CDs (often just EPs) for $5 - how can you resist! And some acts were just giving their CDs away! If you go to Boston or any other IPO event, make frequent visits to the merch booth! My personal favorite band was The Color Bars who played the second night and they were not even on the original schedule (they filled in for Darby Jones). Bought TWO copies of their CD and I just played one and it's a keeper! And I think I know someone in Switzerland who will like the other one. Other favorite bands were The Playmates, True Love & The Nines. Best stage patter was by Eytan Mirsky - introduced each song with a short (usually funny) story. The best total night was Saturday night (Friday night was a very close second). All the shows were well attended (even the afternoon shows). Maybe there's hope yet! I was very happy to pay only $4.50 for pints of Guinness at every show at the Baggot Inn (which is a keeper bar because the music room is at the end of the bar and all the talkers stayed at the main bar and those there for the music did not have to put up with the extremely rude behavior of people talking while a musician is playing!) Of the CDs I bought, I am looking forward to some quality time with Copperpot, Splitsville, Trouble Dolls & Dave Rave Group. And I look forward to purchasing CDs from Field Trip, Moon Over Hicksville and Marykate O'Reilly (especially if Jill Sobule is on it - she was great and very attractive in person). Now I need to start planning a trip to Liverpool next year! If you get a chance to attend any IPO in your area (or somewhere you want to go), do it! It's about as much fun as you can have these days! Pop on! John