Aw man, True Love played?! I love them. Shucks. On Tue, 18 Nov 2003, Art Carey wrote: > During Jennie's very entertaining summary, she awarded this Ipony: > > < on Saturday night>> > > That reminded me of this also-deserving winner --- > > Best Footwork (Either On-stage or Off): Sherman Boim who deftly got out of the way of the above-mentioned Fart Man as he was being tackled, pretty forcefully, into a row of tables and chairs. > > Interestingly, no one in the crowd intervened as Mr. Man seemed to be getting the hell pounded out of him by a guy who just moments before had seemed to be enjoying True Love. > > > Art Carey > > np: "Incorporated," the new Splitsville record. I hesitated a couple of days before playing this one, figuring that there's no way it could measure up to the band's fantastic set on Saturday night. > > I was wrong. It's grrrreat! > > Worthy candidate for catch-phrase of the year: "I think I'm gonna dance now..." from the album's be-sure-to-play-really-loud "Heart Attack." >