Paul played the uke Something throughout his last US tour. --- Barry Schlom -----Original Message----- From: Robert Sutliff [] Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 2:03 PM To: Subject: A Beatles kind of day I bought Let It Be ...Naked and the DVD of Concert for George today. The Let It Be disc is a bit of a scam but not horribly so. I've owned a decent copy of the original Glyn Johns mix of Get Back for years and have always dug it - especially the version of Long And Winding Road which is truly sublime. Naked is neither a cleaned up copy of Get Back or a de Spectorized version of Let It Be. It's just different. In some cases totally different takes are used (LAWR for example) and in other cases there are songs with different takes edited together. It sounds a bit sterile and "too clean" to me. The version of Across The Universe is merely a minimal mix of the original multi tracks that omits some of the original instrumentation. Different but not particularly better. As a Beatles fanatic I had to have it but doubt I'll listen to it much. The George concert on the other hand is really wonderful. The love all those guys on stage had for the quiet Beatle is pretty obvious. I thought I'd hate Macca's ukelele version of Something but it's very beautiful. Paul's version of All Things Must Pass is pretty much perfect also. I had a big smile on my face watching the whole thing. Bobby Sutliff