Hi, Having picked up in a Sunday paper a review of the latest Pearlfishers album, (Wilson, TR, McCartney and McGuinn all mentioned in despatches...) I duly took delivery of the album this morning, and........it really didn't do anything for me.... Driving in the car to work I got to thinking about 'why?' Was it the song-craft? Were the vocal lines wrong? The lyrics? Or the occasional omission of keyboards in certain songs where it might have suited? Nope. Not really. However, I eventually got to a slightly unsettling conclusion, which goes as follows: the album doesn't do it for me because the Pearlfishers (so I am led to believe) are from Scotland. They sing about simple things that Todd and Brian Wilson have reflected upon in the past and yet when I hear the singer talk of, for example, 'the end of summer' when I suspect he may have been brought up in the tenements of Glasgow and had a girlfriend in a suburb of Kilmarnock (neither of which are likely to be true, but go with it...) then, for me, the imagery begins to fall immediately on its face. And yet, and yet, a beautifully conceived song like 'There She Goes' by The La's can only (IMHO) come from a place like Liverpool...so maybe what I'm saying is that can/should the origins of bands somehow dictate what they sound like or the stuff they can credibly sing about? Can where you come from ever determine how hip you're ever going to be? Not sure if this going anywhere now...but, anyway, I welcome people's views on this (and the new Pearlfishers album, for that matter!) Mark Buckle "Love Between the Ugly is the Most Beautiful Love of All" __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This e-mail contains proprietary information some or all of which may be legally privileged. It is for the intended recipient only. If an addressing or transmission error has misdirected this e-mail, please notify the author by replying to this e-mail. If you are not the intended recipient you must not use, disclose, distribute, copy, print, or rely on this e-mail. Whilst reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure that this message and any attachments are free from viruses or other malicious code, no guarantee is implied or given. The views expressed in this communication may not necessarily be the views held by Poulter Group Limited. Poulter Group Limited. Registered in England No. 3504088. Registered Office: Rose Wharf, East Street, Leeds LS9 8EE __________________________________________________________________________________________________________