I have to echo these sentiments. Shout it out loud! I have been listening to The Playmates for a couple of years now. Absolutely fantastic must. I did not catch them at IPO since I was not there but I have all of their cds (at least all that I have found so far - Short Wave, Sad Refrain, Sweet Sweet Day, Sweetly, Session With & Listen!) Not a bad track amongst them IMHO. Bruce use to carry them at Notlame, probably still does. Session With will probably top my list for cd-eps for the year and Listen may very well be at the top ten of year list for me for regular releases. (although it is technically a 2002 release I think, but it came out so late in the year I didn't pick it up until about Feb this year.) Do try to find their releases I think you will be pleased. Keith Cook Original post: I have but two words for one and all: THE PLAYMATES. I repeat: THE PLAYMATES. sweetly, Gary "NP: guess who??!" Pig