Listening to Bronco Bullfrog's demo cd Emporium Days, I'm hitted by a line in their song "Old Songs, New Songs": "we're going to sell our album to a couple of freaks in Spain" Well, thank you very much from a freak in Spain! :-) You've made another excellent record. The noise is a bit thin but these crafted "demos" are outstanding. Perhaps poppier than previous stuff (a good thing anyway), but you won't be deceived....expect the cool trademark harmonies, and the ultra catchy songs with that unmistakable English flavour, Small Faces, Beatles... Another goodie I just got is last year's Rachel Gordon's The Coming Of Spring. Worth the price for the artwork alone, featuring beloved pop minds like Bart Mendoza, CVS, Ray Brandes, even AJ Croce.... many covers (even Macca's Come And Get It), very cool. The new Jeevas is more eclectic than 1,2,3&4, with a more acoustic flavour, but I like it too. best! Francesc