At Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 09:35:40 Mark Tate wrote: >My question is how can he be so stupid to even allow for the opportunity to >exist for such charges to >be levied (whether valid or not). What an >extreme dumbass! And the parents of the kid involved are either just as >stupid as jacko or gold-digging opportunists. The latter is not a remote >possibility in my opinion. Even though I think he is the most fucked up >public character, well, GG Allin may have him on that, there is a high >possibility that it's extortion. The family of the kid already released a statement saying that they are leaving the case in the hands of the D.A.'s office and will be satisfied with whatever results from their investigation. They adamantly refuted the claim that they were going to file a civil suit later. As for Jackson allowing himself to be caught in a trap all you have to do is go back to that surreal interview he gave earlier this year where he believed that there is nothing wrong in showing children bedding with them.....even as a 44-year old man. He's truly delusional and doesn't have the slightest concept of impropriety. You could see it in his some crazed zealot he believes in his personal mission of peace and love -- a Messiah complex if you will. And if he just repeats that mantra long enough all the evil in the world will just simply vanish. It's almost as if he never reached puberty. Just this eternal youthful stasis....mentally, and (look at the plastic surgery, folks), physically. Not sure whether Jackson is actually the sexual predator the media is painting him as. His moral compass just seems to be under-baked. The emperor has no clue. His staff do not advise him when he's being a fool. And the media tell him all too often. Make no mistake....he's a brilliant tactition and thinks that wealth, power, and seclusion on his fantasy farm will protect him. But that's to be seen, I guess. If he really cared for the children as he's always claimed he should have just donated percentages to every album he ever sold to children's charities in his name. But he seems to need some physical validation in "sharing" everything he has. A truly sad human being whether he's guilty of these accusations or not. Jaimie Vernon _________________________________________________________________ Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*