At 06:11 PM 11/20/03 +0100, you wrote: >"All the girls at my grade school in Goleta CA were crazy about him >(white, black & hispanic - his talent crossed all races). " > >I see ignorance crosses all races too. Hispanic is a race since....when? Is >there a french race? From Meriam-Webster Online: Main Entry: His·pan·ic Pronunciation: hi-'spa-nik Function: adjective Etymology: Latin hispanicus, from Hispania Iberian Peninsula, Spain Date: circa 1889 : of, relating to, or being a person of Latin American descent living in the U.S.; especially : one of Cuban, Mexican, or Puerto Rican origin While most of my grade school freinds liked everything on the Top 40 charts, I still remember some of my black and hispanic freinds (uh... African-American and Mexican-American?) didnt like David Cassidy, Bobby Sherman or the Osmonds and didnt want me to play thier records during recess. I think my freinds made up thier minds after checking out photos in 16 Magazine or Tiger Beat than listening to thier records. I dont know why that has stuck in my mind but it did. Billy G. Spradlin