Hi Michael, I don't want to unsubscribe, however I need to know how to change to the digest because I am getting lots of emails each day & the digest would probably be more suitable? Kind Regards, Charley. -------Original Message------- From: audities@smoe.org Date: Wednesday, 12 November 2003 10:28:34 AM To: audities@smoe.org Subject: Attention: AOL Audities subscribers Hi, sorry for the intrusion, but AOL has adopted a very strict anti-spam policy. Which is a good thing...mostly. If you are an AOL subscriber and no longer wish to receive Audities, please DO NOT just click the button that labels Audities as Spam. Please unsubscribe via normal channels or email me directly and ask to be unsubscribed. If AOL gets to many spam complaints about Smoe lists they block delivery of all Smoe.ORG lists, which is a big headache to sort out. -------- UNSUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION: Send mail to -- with any of the following instructions in the BODY of the message: unsubscribe audities [
] Unsubscribe yourself (or ADDRESS) from Audities -------- Or send mail to the list owner (me): Thanks, - michael coxe, audities-list admin .