>From: Gabriel Fuentes >Ok folks, the freakin New Christs' cd "We Got This" is all killer..no filler >The cd is not power pop but many of you on this list will just love this.. >Rob Younger sounds as great as ever.. >it is the groove and the feeling that this cd gives when one is >listening to it that makes reek of pure unadulterated classic..where >are my Birdman cds? Rob Younger has a great voice, and I'm a big fan of the Radio Birdman albums. Unfortunately, after that band, he went on to make a lot of heavy rock that had none of the great mix of pop and rock and great lyrics (due to Deniz Tek) that Birdman had. A lot of people like the heavy sound, so I can't criticize his later music, if I'm simply not a fan of it. However, what I can criticize, is how he and the Birdman bass player bastardized the Birdman albums when they remixed them in 1995 when they were issued on CDs, giving them a blaringly heavy and irritating sound, and eliminated all of the pop feel. Either their hearing had degraded so much by then, that they couldn't tell what they were doing. Or, they were trying to attract the grunge crowd of the 1990s. In either case, it's hard on my ears, especially when I listen to it with headphones. I would rather listen to real grunge music, or punk music, or about anything else out there, than what they ended up with. I wonder whether they considered that many people these days listen to music using portable CD players with headphones, where the music is right up against your ears, and where you have no way of decreasing the bass (but you can get extra bass). However, even decreasing the bass, still doesn't fix the other processing which they applied to the music. Especially on Living Eyes, where they have totally thrown away Tek's vision of how the music was to mixed. So, on and off for the last couple of years, I've been working on a making a transfer of the vinyl albums to CDRs, and making them sound as best as possible, using a variety of editing techniques. And it's an interesting coincidence that you posted about Rob, when just today I finally completed the CDRs (I've sent previous versions of the CDs to a couple of people on this list, but these are even more defect and noise free). If anyone is curious how the LPa compare to the CDs, I have a web page with clips that highlights some of the differences: http://web.mit.edu/london/www/r.html