I don't know about anyone else, but I think 2003 has been an extremely good year for music. The past two years, I've wanted to proffer my small contribution to the end-of-the-year poll here on Audities, but just didn't feel like I bought enough records, especially not ones that really left me stoked up, to come up with a "top ten." It feels so good to be excited about music again. For now... Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Take Them On, On Your Own. I saw these guys play in Louisville about a month ago, and it was so inspiring. Quite possibly the loudest club show I've ever been to. They were tough as nails; tons of panache, especially the bass player. The set got kind of monotonous in the middle, but everything else was over the top. There were a few times in the show where their LD would turn on the crowd flashers and just leave them on for about eight bars during some breakout section. Total sensory overload! I couldn't believe the show was only $10 too. I have to confess that before seeing them live, I thought the records were kind of boring. It's amazing to me how they make so much more sense after hearing the songs live. I'm also really digging the new Travis album. Did anyone else freak out the first time they heard the background harmonies in the chorus of "Beautiful Occupation"? "The Black Keys - Thickfreakness" is kind of a cool vibe. Really soulful. Reminds me a lot of Robin Trower. I loved The Strokes' first album, but I'm a bit disappointed in this new one. The only thing that really hooked me was the opening cut. Maybe I just need a few good memories to associate with it before the album really grabs me. And last...a non-musical contribution...I'm glad that Warner Bros finally put out some Looney Tunes on DVD. I feel like I just got half of my childhood back. Hello to Mr. Hoekstra. -- William Thomas __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears http://launch.yahoo.com/promos/britneyspears/