Jeff asked: One point: AT THE TIME, though, did you think the drum and guitar solos were overblown or just plain COOL! I think we all look back on the various musics of our youths (or Yoots, to you Pesci fans) in different ways. Me? I can still put on Bostons s/t debut and just totally DIG the guitars and stuff. I try not to judge all that stuff I listened to. Not that you were being harsh or anything, Mark . You're right, of course, the joy is in finding that "new" needle in the haystack. Yes, I guess you do have a point there. In my youth, I did happen to think that some of the progressive rock stuff, such as Yes and Genesis, was pretty cool. However, it's funny...when punk rock emerged , I immediately lost all interest in that music. After hearing the Sex Pistols, the Ramones, The Clash, etc. etc., Yes and Genesis sounded so pretentious and silly. Well....truth be told, I still like "The Carpet Crawlers" by Genesis....that song is great! Mark