Love Jet! I hear a lot more Detroit in their sound than Shazam ... but that's just me. Oz bands do Detroit better Detroit natives ...seemingly ... I'm not mentioning names. ;-) It's Jet's "Are You Gonna' Be My Girl" backing the latest Ipod rawk spot ...was getting a bit sick of the Black Eyed Peas spot personally ... not a hip hop dog personally! Y'all can watch it here, it kicks some serious booty! Sad concerning show turn outs these days, thought mebbe it was NYC thing. I don't know, maybe things shall turn around, hopeful they do. I've been at this band seeing thing for thirty plus years now and until recently ... I dunno ... chalk it up to complacency ..? Who knows. ROCK ON! Mark < Date: Tue Dec 2, 2003 9:02 am Subject: Re: Jet Yes!! I picked up the Jet CD a couple of weeks ago, and it immediately reminded me of The Shazam! Being a huge fan of The Shazam anyway, I've really been digging this Jet CD. It's been in heavy rotation in my CD players at work, in my car, and at home. I can't get enough of these guys. As the Not Lame peeps would say, this release is extremely highly recommended! :) Speaking of The Shazam, I don't think I ever posted a note about their show in Detroit a few weeks back. Unfortunately, there was a bad turnout, which makes me wonder where the Detroit pop scene people are...but the guys put on a great show nonetheless. I brought a couple of friends with me to the show, and aside from the other band waiting for their set, to my complete shock, I was the only person in the bar who was there to see The Shazam! I still can't believe that. Anyway, Hans and the boys were nice enough to spend some time with me at the bar afterwards, and I have to say, there are one of the nicest group of guys I've ever met. I hope that I get some promotion going up in Detroit and one day get them back here! Seeing them in Chicago at IPO last spring was awesome..and having them at home in Detroit was even better! But now I want more :) Cheers, Sarah > Been tuning tot his a lot the last few weeks....and I tell you, half these > songs just remind me of Hans and the Shazam boys a LOT. In only a very > good way. > > Rawk, no roll, > Bruce @ Not Lame>> ===== Sleep Well ~ Don't Burst __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears