Hey Kevin - thanks for the review! I hoped to get there last night, but will settle for tonight and tomorrow. Hope to see you there. > Myracle Brah closed out the night with a generous mix of songs from all their albums. The new stuff sounds great...harder edge, closer to Andy's Love Nut days. Can't wait to get the new album (he'd left them at home). I got the new CD from Not Lame last week, and it's pretty damn good. I saw Andy at The Fleshtones show and complimented him on the album, and he replied with something like "We really jammed out." Good result. But when will musicians learn to have their music available for sale?! Andy should stock copies of all Myracle Brah albums at his bar, and all of the bands playing IPO should bring an ample supply of their CD's with them. If musicans had more business & marketing sense, or at least a manager to guide them, they'd probably sustain their music careers a bit longer. And we'd all be a lot happier! : - ) Be seeing you, Bill ________________________________________________________________ The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand! Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER! Only $14.95/ month - visit www.juno.com to sign up today!