Brief Recap: 2/3 of Starbelly took the stage for an acoustic set. With Greg, the drummer, engaged in a family commitment, Bryan and Dennis broke things down to a 2 guitar acoustic set, warming the small, but eager crowd up with cuts from both albums, as well as a cover of ELO's "Mr. Blue Sky." Highlight I felt was "This Time" which sounded awesome. Dennis has some new demos he wants to have the band work on, so hopefully some new Starbelly isn't *too* far away. Next up were Neil Traynor & the Emergency Broadcast System. They looked beat from their commute from Toronto, but had tremendous energy on stage. Their set definitely walked a fine line between aggresiveness and falling off the edge. The songs were full of life and had a nice bite to them. I'm interested in hearing more of their studio stuff. The Grip Weeds were the third band on the bill, and having heard the name thrown about over the years, i'd never had the pleasure of hearing them before. Fantastic musicians. very impressed. Heard bits of Sloan in them at times, but not as direct as Sloan can be...kinda hard to describe, but another band I want to hear more of their studio work from. The Three-4-Tens were a no-show, though I coulda sworn I saw atleast one of them in the audience at some point... Myracle Brah closed out the night with a generous mix of songs from all their albums. The new stuff sounds great...harder edge, closer to Andy's Love Nut days. Can't wait to get the new album (he'd left them at home). Paul even got to sing lead on one of the songs. After the set, Andy was nice enough to hand to me 2 of Joe's drumsticks that he'd launched out into the crowd periodically. Twas a good night. Thanks to David Bash for bringing IPO to Baltimore and here's hoping there's a larger crowd this evening! -kev